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Educational Games

Educational Games

Educational Games

The Nürnberg “Friedrich Alexander” University Institute for Learning Innovation is hosting a meeting between the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and the universities off Vienna, Naples and Barcelona for the last revision of serious game ACCORD [demo version]. Project Manager Annaleda Mazzucato [@AnnaledaM] is participating on behalf of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.


By exploiting the educational potential of on-line games, ACCORD enacts intercultural conflict scenarios in schools for teachers and students to improve their conflict management and resolutions competences.


Interactive narration and emotional modelling technology allow the programme to define the conflict management profile of the players, who decide whether to collaborate or avoid the conflict.


The ACCORD serious game is part of an on-line course on the resolution of intercultural conflict for teachers and trainers. The course is recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (Bill N. 107/2015).


Teachers interested in participating in the course may register here.

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