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The School as a Special Reporter for the Environment


The School as a Special Reporter for the Environment

The School as a Special Reporter for the Environment


Scientific Communication for Projects
17 December 2008, 3-6 pm

Istituto professionale di stato per i servizi commerciali Teresa Confalonieri

(via Beata Maria de Mattias 5, Rome)

This is the third and last “technical” meeting of the year for teachers. It addresses the treatment of scientific issues through a multimedia presentation based on Web TV. The multimedia lab will allow the teachers to experience:

  • Writing a storyboard
  • Preparing a Power Point presentation
  • Recording text audio
  • Producing a final multimedia product in Flash

Once the technical part is completed, the New Year will start with the production of multimedia materials by the schools. Students and teachers will be invited to produce a work on one of the issues addressed by the course. The projects, which must be completed by May 2009, will be exhibited and described at an event featuring the presence of experts participating in various activities and interactive laboratories.


The best material will be entered in the 5th edition of the Global Junior Challenge , the international competition that prizes the most innovative projects that make use of IT for the education and training of youth.


The Scientific Communication for Projects Meeting is part of the development and environmental education programme of “Studying is Sustainable” promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and the Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei. The educational experience which began in October 2008 to raise the awareness of students on environmental issues, employs an integrated working model involving various partners such as Arpa Lazio, Igeam, 100 classi – the Lazio Interscholastic Network for Scientific Culture and Technology and the National Antarctic Museum. The project targets all schools and provides an efficient working methodology based on the integration of people, resources and innovative didactic tools.


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