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Third sector for digital transformation

Mirta Michilli

Third sector for digital transformation

Third sector for digital transformation

"Bridging the digital divide quickly requires an educational ecosystem, based on hybrid alliances, also built with large technology corporations, because they play a strategic role with enabling technologies that enable people and communities to learn to live more equitably and sustainably. And governance geared toward the common good."

Mirta Michilli's contribution published on the Digital Agenda in the Digital Culture and Society section.


Divario digitale: servono alleanze ibride tra tech e Terzo Settore

Il Terzo Settore è attivo da anni sui territori con progetti basati su azioni multidimensionali, mirate a supportare la crescita delle diverse competenze di individui e comunità. Un patrimonio che va sostenuto e scalato per combattere e colmare il divario digitale. Ecco come

di Mirta Michilli

Agenda digitale, 24 ottobre

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