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Empathic Learning Scenarios

Game Joinclusion

Empathic Learning Scenarios

Empathic Learning Scenarios

The JOINclusion app is now available for all classes to learn how to stick together.

The objective of European project  JOINclusion (Joint problem-solving strategy towards social inclusion of children with a migrant background), funded under the Erasmus+ programme, is to promote the social inclusion of primary and lower secondary school students (7-12 years) with game-based learning strategies and the development of socio-cognitive skills (perspective taking).

The application (serious game) for Android mobile devices, already successfully tested in some classes, is now available for all schools and can be downloaded for free on the Google Play Store. The game and scenarios were designed together with expert psychologists and educators, based on the needs of the schools, involving the recipients from the early stages of project development.

For the best use of the app to train empathy by strengthening prosocial behaviour, such as solidarity, altruism, cooperation, we provide teachers and educators with an Department of Humanities at the “Federico II “ University of Naples available on FMD Academy. The modules, developed in collaboration with the Department of Humanities at the “Federico II “ University of Naples, provide guidance to effectively using the application in the classroom, creating inclusive learning environments that enhance cultural differences, promoting empathy and prosocial behaviour [see news: Empathy in the Classroom].





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