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Inclusione digitale

Digital inclusion

Digital inclusion

In the 2022 edition of the Digitisation Index of Economy and Society (DESI), Italy ranks 18th among the 27 EU Member States and 25th in terms of human capital development. Today, more than half of Italian citizens (54%) do not even have basic digital skills.

The country has a very low share of ICT graduates: only 1.4% of Italian graduates choose disciplines in this field, the lowest number in the EU. In the labour market, the share of ICT specialists represents 3.8% of total employment, again below the European average (4.5%). Although only 40 per cent of internet users in Italy make use of public digital services (compared to an EU average of 65 per cent), this indicator has nevertheless grown considerably in the last two years (30 per cent in 2019 and 36 per cent in 2020).

In line with the National Digital Skills Strategy, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale promotes transversal activities for 1) the retraining of the active workforce, to ensure adequate digital skills in both the private and public sectors 2) the development of specialised skills, to create new employment opportunities linked to emerging technologies 3) the growth of human capital through the increase of citizens' basic digital skills needed to exercise citizenship rights and active participation in the life of the country.

The 'Job Digital Lab' project in collaboration with ING helps workers to find their way back into the world of work through online reskilling and upskilling paths that can be configured on the basis of each individual's training needs.  With the 'Ambizione Italia per il lavoro' programme alongside Microsoft, even the Neet are involved in professionalising academies on the professions of the future. The collaboration with the Taranto Local Health Authority and the Municipality of Genoa, as part of Tim's 'Internet School for All', offered citizens a service to accompany them in the use of e-gov services and online healthcare, with particular attention to the Electronic Health Record and the Citizen's Digital File.

Digital inclusion projects and experiences:

  • Ambizione Italia per il lavoro with Microsoft 
  • Job Digital Lab with ING Italia (in corso)
  • Le competenze per ripartire with Linkedin (in corso)
  • Ambizione Italia. Digital Skill Initiative with Microsoft (2021-2022)
  • Digital Restart con i COL with Roma Capitale (2021)
  • Scuola di internet per tutti with Tim (2020-2021)
  • A Key Access to the EU Rights – EUReKA (2020-2021)
  • Atelier ABC (2020)
  • Phyrtual Factory (2016-2017)
  • L'Officina dei nuovi lavori with (2015-2016)
  • Meet no Neet with Microsoft (2015)

In the 2022 edition of the Digitisation Index of Economy and Society (DESI), Italy ranks 18th among the 27 EU Member States and 25th in terms of human capital development. Today, more than half of Italian citizens (54%) do not even have basic digital skills.



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