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Broadcasting Didactics


Broadcasting Didactics

Broadcasting Didactics


The second phase of the Digital Bridge Project is underway. The project entails an operative plan for social and digital inclusion in the schools of the Region of Lebialem, in the Municipality of Menji, in Cameroon. The project is financed by the Regione Lazio, coordinated by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and implemented locally by Scuole in Rete (SIR) and the Lebialem Association for Twining of Schools (LATS). 
The cultural exchange project has become a full feature of school curricula, renovating classic work methodologies.
On Tuesday March 16, 11 am, the Liceo ginnasio I. Kant in Rome and the GBHS in Menji-Fontem in Cameroon will connect via videoconference for a lesson on the Italian Constitution: fundamental principles, human rights, institutions and more. The lesson will involve students, school administrators and professors in the SIR Network. Martin Nkafu, manager of the Digital Bridge Project in Cameroon, will also be present.
In order to participate, the students at the Kant Lyceum will have to practice their language skills. In fact, the videoconference will be held in Italian, English and French. Some of the students will use this experience for their state examinations.

The next appointment on the agenda is in April for a new videoconference lesson with students in Cameroon.







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