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HTML AND CSS: Website design and creation

HTML E CSS: Design e creazione di siti web
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HTML AND CSS: Website design and creation

HTML AND CSS: Website design and creation

Ambizione Italia course for work

6-hour introductory course in HTML and CSS to acquire the basic knowledge to create web pages. During the course, participants learn how to write html code to structure the page content, include images, links and lists, and how to use css to define the style and layout of the page and how to use the browser's development tools to inspect and edit the page code.



  • Module 1 - Tools and technologies for website creation. Introduction to html

    In the introductory module, the tools and technologies needed to create websites are presented: in particular, the use of the markup language Html to create the structure of a web page. Participants learn how to use html tags to define page content, such as paragraphs, images and links, and how to structure everything in a clear and organised manner.
  • Module 2 - Introduction to CSS, basic flexbox concepts

    We delve into the basic concepts of CSS and flexible layout with Flexbox. Participants learn how to use CSS rules to define page style, such as text colour, font size and background. They also use Flexbox to create flexible and responsive layouts that adapt to different screen sizes.
  • Module 3 - Selecting Elements with CSS

    We see how to select Html elements with css, to apply specific styles only to certain elements on the page. Participants will learn how to use css selectors to select elements by type, class or ID, and how to use pseudo-selectors to create hover and selection effects. In addition, we will see how to use css to create smooth transitions between different styles of page elements.  
  • Module 4 - Layout Design with Flexbox

    We focus on designing layouts with Flexbox, a technology that allows us to create flexible layouts adaptable to different screen sizes. Participants learn how to use Flexbox properties to define the alignment, distribution and order of elements on the page. And to create complex layouts, such as product grids.

The skills

  • Using HTML5 and CSS3 to create professional, well-structured websites
  • Design website layouts using advanced techniques such as Flexbox and Grid
  • Customise the style of a website using CSS style sheets
  • Solve the most common problems that occur when creating websites

The calendar of activities

  • 20 April, 4.30 p.m. - 6 p.m.
  • 27 April, 4.30 p.m. - 6 p.m.
  • 4 May, 4.30 - 6 p.m.
  • 11 May, 4.30 - 6 p.m.

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