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How Do We Choose Our Passwords?

La scelta della password sicura

How Do We Choose Our Passwords?

How Do We Choose Our Passwords?

Trust aWare: rules to protect our data

Even if an incredible number of people like to use their name as a password, the most used password worldwide – including Italy – is the sequence 123456 (23 million people), followed by the longer version 123456789 (data: Nordpass). It takes less than a second to identify such a password. Other common choices are the names of football teams (especially Juventus in Italy) or car brands.

So, is it only common citizens, with inadequate digital skills, that are choosing weak passwords? Nordpass has discovered that many CEOs of major companies use silly passwords to protect their devices such as 123456, picture1 or the very popular “password.”

How does one choose a safe password? We are publishing a few simple, easy to follow rules on our social media channels.



To find out more, also follow the other activities that we are developing with European Project Trust aWare to improve the ability of European citizens to safeguard their security and privacy, with custom-tailored tools to defend themselves from IT threats.

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