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Kites at IC Volpago del Montello

IC Volpago del Montello #voloperilcambiamento

Kites at IC Volpago del Montello

Kites at IC Volpago del Montello

The school’s initiatives against gender violence.

School projects created for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, on November 25th, are starting to arrive, inspired by our Flying Kites Against Femicide initiative.

Today, we share some images of the work carried out by Class 2F at the Volpago di Montello Comprehensive Institute lower secondary school (Treviso), headed by Nella Varanese. The activities, from an in-depth study of gender violence to the launching of kites and the exhibition, was coordinated by the teachers Stefania Beda and Dal Bo, whom we thank for their commitment.

The school has also joined, for the second consecutive year, Project Fully Enjoy the Internet, including it into its three-year course catalogue.



L'istituto comprensivo ha anche aderito per il secondo anno consecutivo al progetto Vivi Internet, al meglio, inserendolo nel Piano triennale dell'offerta formativa della scuola.

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