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Microsoft Edu Day

Microsoft Edu Day

Microsoft Edu Day

Microsoft Italy has been supporting schools in the selection of the most efficient solutions to bring professors, students and parents into touch with the new paradigms developed for didactics and contributing to the education of young men and women with contents, methodologies and devices that match the requests of the working world. The objective is to accomplish great things.


The Microsoft Edu Day, which will be held next Tuesday at Roma Eventi, is organized in collaboration with the Italian Ministry of University, Education and Research (MIUR), USR Lazio and the patronage of the Agenzia per l'Italia digitale.




9.30 – Registration and Coffee


10.00 Welcome

  • Carlo Purassanta, CEO, Microsoft Italy
  • Davide Faraone, Undersecretary for Education, University and Research 


10.20 - #PianoScuolaDigitale

  • Damien Lanfrey & Donatella Solda, MIUR Technical Secreteriat


11.00 -  Coding: a new universal language + Lab

  • Fabio Santini, Microsoft Italy      


11.15 -  From Coding to Modding - Minecraft in Education

  • Marco Vigelini, Coderdojo Allumiere


11.30 – Social Innovation in School

  • Mirta Michilli, Fondazione Mondo Digitale 


11.45 – Coding and Robotics Labs

  • Fondazione Mondo Digitale


12.00 – Digital Lessons: turning teaching upside down

  • Virginia Alberti, Professor, ITIS B. Castelli, Brescia
  • Alessandra Patti, Headmaster, I.C. Sestu (CA) - Fablab a scuola
  • Alessandra Cenci, I.C. Baccio da Montelupo (FI) - Collaborare, condividere e creare con le ICT: un nuovo stile di apprendimento e insegnamento.
  • Cristiana Pivetta, Professor, I.C. Don Milani, Carbonia - Geografia sociale 


13.00    Conclusions and Buffet Lunch


Presented by: Il Trio di RTL 102.5


... and what type of school would you like? One that accomplishes great things


As per the Memorandum of Understanding signed by MIUR and Microsoft Italy, professors participating in the educational sessions will receive attendance certificates.

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