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Physics and Digital Art

Physics and Digital Art

Physics and Digital Art

Massimo Margotti, a carbon footprint expert, explains "Black Flower", a work created by artist Maria Grazia Pontorno in collaboration with the Da Vinci and Avogadro Schools for Project "Carbon Footprint through Digital Art. New Didactic Models for Teaching Science." The work was exhibited at the Maxxi during the Media Art Festival 2017


The project (Nov 2016 - July 2017), financed by MIUR and promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale in collaboration with Sapienza University of Rome, aims to develop a didactic product to explain the carbon footprint through digital art.



Il progetto (novembre 2016-luglio 2017), finanziato dal Miur e promosso dalla Fondazione Mondo Digitale in collaborazione con Sapienza Università di Roma, si propone di creare un prodotto didattico finalizzato a spiegare il fenomeno del carbon footprint attraverso le potenzialità creative delle arti digitali.


BLACK FLOWER [sound installation]

Mariagrazia Pontorno, IIS Da Vinci, LS Avogadro Schools in Rome


This sound installation is composed by two Neo-classic mirrored parabolas belonging to the museum of the Sapienza Physics Department. Two speakers are positioned on the focal points that play a Black Flower, a musical piece composed by the students who participated in the lab on the carbon footprint with Physicist Massimo Margotti. The lyrics of the song were composed from the key words related to the title to underline the fluid and continuous relation between science, communications and arts.

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