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Scientific Thinking in Gaming

Scuole aperte: laboratorio di coding al Majorana Piaget di Roma

Scientific Thinking in Gaming

Scientific Thinking in Gaming

Open Schools: Coding lab at the Majorana Piaget School in Roma

Labs continue at the Istituto comprensivo Piaget-Majorana, selected by a call of the Rome Council for Project Open Schools in the Afternoon, Evening and Weekend 2023-24, “a programme to promote extracurricular educational activities in as many schools as possible to provide students, their families, and the educational community to meet.”

The comprehensive institute, directed by Silvana Coniglio, is in Piazza Minucciano, in Rome’s “Municipio III,” an area as large as Prato and as populated as Trieste. 

The Fondazione Mondo Digitale, in synergy with Programme Smart & Heart Rome, collaborates by organising laboratories for young students.

Today is the seventh appointment for primary school Group A (Tuesdays, 4.45-6.45 pm). The sessions are held by Coach Marco Brocchieri, who passionately applies the scientific method to history, too. In fact, with his book (La neve è caduta. L’attività delle bande partigiane tra Monterotondo e la Val d’Aniene, Youcanprint, 2023), Marco won the special “Specchio Storico” Award at the 9th edition of the  Amarganta Literary Prize.

Now, Marco is facing a new challenge: having the young students developers produce a story that can be played, using Scratch, to learn the basics of programming, the difference between bi- and tri-dimensional animation, and how to design and develop a videogame.


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