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The Attractive Power of Suburban Schools

Campo volo droni all'Amaldi

The Attractive Power of Suburban Schools

The Attractive Power of Suburban Schools

Smart & Heart Rome: school enrolment on the rise from Tor Bella to Tufello

The best language high school in Rome city is the Amaldi, the largest school in the city, in Tor Bella Monaca, according to the latest data published by the new edition of Eduscopio, a tool that the Fondazione Agnelli has provided since 2014 to help families and students choose a high school. It is based on the university results (GPA and credits) of graduates, while technical and professional institutes are evaluated on the ability to prepare and orient young people to the world of work [Visconti e Righi al top, l’Amaldi riscatta Torbella, giù il tecnico Caffè: chi scende e chi sale tra le scuole di Roma, La Repubblica, Nov. 22, 2023].

As part of Project Smart & Heart Rome, the Liceo Edoardo Amaldi in Tor Bella Monaca, which is directed by Maria Rosa Autiero, has developed the first drone flight field  dedicated to the challenge of environmental sustainability in an Italian school. The students, assisted by a team of experts from Tor Vergata University and coaches from the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, learn to pilot small flocks of drones. They have been studying sensors for monitoring air quality and controlling pollution levels. The objective is to exploit the practical use of drones for environmental surveys.

Professor Giambattista Reale, digital coordinator and first collaborator of the Maria Montessori Comprehensive Institute, a school directed by Angela Gallo with the main facilities in Montesacro, explains how, for the first time, parents want to visit the Tufello school, in via Monte Ruggero, attracted by its new learning environments such as the fab lab and the robotics laboratory. Moreover, the school hosts an Innovation Gym also created as part of Project Smart & Heart Rome. “It is a great success,” explains the professor to Giovanna Cipolla who coordinates the project supported by the Rome Digital Transformation Department.

We will soon find out if enrolment has truly increased. In the meantime, it’s an excellent change in the perception and opinion of parents: for the first time, a school in the suburbs has become attractive for its quality.

Il docente Giambattista Reale, animatore digitale e primo collaboratore dell’Istituto comprensivo Maria Montessori, scuola guidata dalla dirigente Angela Gallo con la sede principale a Montesacro, ci segnala che per la prima volta nella storia i genitori vogliono visitare la sede del Tufello, a via Monte Ruggero, attratti dai nuovi spazi di apprendimento come il fab lab e il laboratorio di robotica. Proprio qui è nata un’altra Palestra dell’Innovazione, sempre collegata al progetto Smart & Heart Rome. “È un grande successo che abbiamo ottenuto”, dice il docente a Giovanna Cipolla che coordina il progetto sostenuto dal Dipartimento Trasformazione Digitale di Roma Capitale.

Presto sapremo se le iscrizioni sono realmente aumentate. Intanto è importante registrare un cambiamento rilevante nella percezione e nel giudizio dei genitori. Per la prima volta la scuola in periferia diventa attrattiva e di qualità.

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