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Stories Are Tools for Living

Coding Girls

Stories Are Tools for Living

Stories Are Tools for Living

Storytelling Lab with the Coding Girls in Mozambique

While Italians are starting to think about their vacations, activities continue for Project Coding Girls in Mozambique. It’s an intense week at school for the future trainers who, from the next school year, will coach young African women.

“Last Monday, thanks to our first interactive meeting with Cecilia Stajano, we reflected on the many opportunities provided by technology and the story of Project Coding Girls, which is making its way to its tenth edition,” explains Project Coordinator Elisabetta Gramatica. According to the most recent data published in the Global Gender Gap Report, at the current rhythm, we will need another 132 years to reach full equality between genders. “This confirms that it is not only necessary, but also urgent to act on youth – and their teachers – to share a positive attitude towards the future, to promote creativity and the innovative ideas that characterize them and are the correct route towards a better, inclusive, and fair future,” added Elisabetta.


In a second meeting, Nicoletta Vulpetti introduced participants to storytelling through a journey from their origins to recent success examples. And tomorrow they will put what they have learned into practice: together with Lara Forgione, the aspiring coaches will learn to conceive and narrate stories with Scratch.

Today, Wednesday, July 12, the students in the Provinces of Gaza and Inhambane will participate in a role modelling meeting with Samantha Di Genova, a former Coding Girl, who is currently a coach and university student [see news: Samantha Doesn’t Stop at “Nos”].


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