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Telepathic Message

Telepathic Message

Telepathic Message

Let’s continue to follow the projects that twelve schools are developing with thirteen digital artists. The school lab network is one of the most significant novelties of the BNL Media Art Festival that will be held in Rome on April 13-17.


The digital works developed by students will be showcased at the MAXXI “Corner D.”


Eleonora Curatola was at the Naples Liceo Mazzini where students are working with artist Piero Chiariello. Both students and artist are creating a shared work of art for the first time and working in front of a video camera to shoot a film that will help the students express their emotions efficiently and naturally.


The final result will be an enticing message, a sort of telepathic message, as the project title suggests.


The artistic workshop at the Mazzini School in Naples will be busy today from 2:30 to 4:30 pm. Meanwhile, in Rome, students at the Istituto comprensivo Parco della Vittoria will be working with Giacome Lion on Project #Emotionvideomoment from 10 am to 1 pm.




L’atelier artistico del Mazzini di Napoli torna a riunirsi oggi, dalle 14.30 alle 16.30. L’altro appuntamento di oggi è a Roma, dalle 10 alle 13, all’Istituto comprensivo Parco della Vittoria con l’artista Giacome Lion e il progetto #Emotionvideomoment.



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